Ice Cream Sundaes

This recipe is one my mum used to make for me when I was little, and is an absolute life saver if you want to entertain children at a dinner party, barbecue or summer play date. It’s easy peasy and is a fantastic way of introducing children to the world of making food!
You will need:
- 100g chocolate (preferably 75% minimum cocoa solids)
- 1 small tin of evaporated milk
- A large tub of ice cream (this can be your cheap as chips supermarket variety – most kids can’t even pronounce Haagen Dazs yet!)
- Sprinkles, marshmallows, smarties, chocolate stars, strawberries, nuts etc to decorate – you can obviously choose which ones you want to use!
- First of all, start by making your chocolate sauce. This is best done ahead of time. It couldn’t be easier to make – just pop your chocolate and your evaporated milk into a small saucepan and melt together. Stir it very regularly to ensure it’s smooth, then set aside for later.
- Now about 10 mins before you get the kids into the kitchen, get your ice cream out, and warm up your sauce on the stove on a low heat. While that’s re-melting, put your smarties, chocolate buttons, strawbs etc into separate bowls and arrange on the kitchen table.
- When the sauce is melted and your ice cream is scoopable, call the kids in and explain that
Time to get creative! they are going to make their own sundaes! Scoop out ice cream into each bowl, then distribute the chocolate sauce between them. It’s best if someone sensible doles out the sauce – it can get very hot and you don’t want burnt fingers!
- When each child has his/her ice cream and sauce, let them use the toppings to make their own sundaes! Easy peasy!
NB – this recipe also works very well for adults! The novelty of making your own sundae never really goes away now does it! :)
The chocolate sauce does enough for 3-4 small people, but do feel free to double, triple etc depending on the number of people!
And thank you Mum for all the years of patient sundae-making! :) This recipe is dedicated to you. xx
This is exactly the kind of incompetent-student-level recipe I think I can manage by myself ;) Especially necessary in this ridiculous weather, I hope we get some storms soon to clear the air.
This is exactly the kind of incompetent-student-level recipe I think I can manage by myself ;) Especially necessary in this ridiculous weather, I hope we get some storms soon to clear the air.
@MattieTK so true, this recipe is utterly foolproof and looks surprisingly impressive! :)
@MattieTK so true, this recipe is utterly foolproof and looks surprisingly impressive! :)
@MattieTK so true, this recipe is utterly foolproof and looks surprisingly impressive! :)
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