Pancake Day Video Recipe!

HAPPY PANCAKE DAY! I love pancake day so much that I’ve made a stop motion film about pancakes. That’s how cool I am.


Hope you enjoy it, and here’s the recipe! It’s the most basic pancake recipe on earth and it’s super scrummy.

  • 125g plain flour
  • pinch salt
  • 1 egg
  • 300mls milk
  • knob of butter
  1. Weigh out your flour and sieve it if you are feeling fancy.
  2. Add in the pinch of salt.
  3. Make a well of flour and crack the egg into the middle. Whisk it together. It will be all stiff and clumpy, but that’s ok.
  4. Measure out your milk and pour about a third into the mix. Whisk it together until it’s thick and de-clumped. Pour in half the remaining milk and whisk until smooth. Add the rest of the milk and beat until the mixture is well combined.
  5. Heat a non stick frying pan on a medium heat and melt some butter (be careful to cook on low so you don’t burn the butter – I did that half way through the video…). Pour some of your batter into the pan and swirl around the frying pan until evenly distributed. When it’s cooked and changes consistency, flip it.
  6. Cook for another couple of minutes until it slides easily around the pan.
  7. Slide onto a plate and cover in lemon juice and sugar, nutella, maple syrup, or whatever you fancy. Roll up and scoff. Om nom nom.

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